Beer of the Moment

It’s been far too long since I blogged about beer. Not that I’ve taken a break from drinking the stuff, I’ve just stopped talking about it.

Today’s Beer of the Moment (BoM) is Fat Weasel which is, as far as I know, an exclusive for Trader Joe’s. Fat Weasel is a malty ale with a smooth finish, slightly caramel body, slightly burnt orange in color. It suffers in this geographic area from one fatal flaw; it’s affordable. At $4.99 a six pack, no one in this area dares drink it, which is terrible. Not that Fat Weasel is going to win any awards, but it’s not Bud by any stretch. Fat Weasel is full bodied, with a moderate head when swiftly poured.

I recommend Fat Weasel and not because of the price. Even at $8 for a sixer, this is a decent beer, able to hold it’s own against the mid-tier brews. As Ryan always says, drink what tastes good, snobs be damned. Unless it’s Bud; that shit is awful.