
I don’t talk about football much because, well, there generally ain’t much to talk about. But not today! Oh no, today, we got us some delicious news.


First. Time. Ever.

Now, I know there will be a ton of piling on about just how bad they are. In fact, tomorrow I’m on vacation and I’m getting up to listen to 101 Mike in the Morning just to hear “Killer” Kowalski sping the Lions latest, historic loss. And they are so very, very, very bad, don’t get me wrong.

But, Detroiters (and, aren’t we all Detroiters when the Lions are playing), let’s lift that chin, swell that chest, and cock a corner of our mouths in a smile. We are historic. When the seasons of every other team, save the champion, are forgotten, who will still be on the tips of every fan’s lips? The Lions. Who will be a trivia question on Jeopardy in 2010? The mo-fo’ing Lions! When some the 3rd place Browns fans look back on the 2008 season, what will they remember? Nothing, that’s what! They were in third. Who the hell cares about third?

But last… oh yes, last. And not just last, but Dead Effin’ Last. Historically Last. That’s us. That’s forever. Sure, it’s not a proud moment in Lions’ history, but then what season has been? But, for once, it is something we haven’t had in a very, very long time.


And that’s something to wear on a T-shirt.

Go Lions.