You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

5,000 words

Well, 5,031 to be exact. That’s how many words I wrote tonight for the NaNoWriMo contest. Starting at 6-ish, and finishing at 10:45, with a break for supper, a break for a shower, and a half-hour debate about religion with J– (don’t ask, ’cause even I don’t know where that one came from); well, that’s a lot of words in a hurry.

Total words count as of tonight: 17,153. I’m only about 5,000 words behind schedule now, which isn’t bad considering I didn’t write a single word for almost half the available time. Write on!