We have yet to make the leap to Blu-Ray. Frankly, I haven’t seen the point yet. Yes, I’d love to see what the quality would be on our TV, but I’m not willing to shell out $300+ for a new player and then $30-60 for movies that I likely already have. We did buy an up-convert DVD player when we got the TV and, so far, movies have looked pretty damned good.
But, today was yet another step closer to our purchase of a Blu-Ray player with the announcement of Samsung adding Netflix streaming capability to a new model of their Blu-Ray players. We’ve been using the Blockbuster service for a while now. It started at Blockbuster because we could exchange mailed movies at the store for in-store movies, and we got a coupon every month for a free game rental. It was a sweet deal until Blockbuster jacked up the price. We downgraded, still getting movies via mail, but no in-store exhange and no monthly game rental.
To be honest, the only reason we didn’t switch was a) the price at Netflix at the time was the same and b) we had hundreds of movies queued up and were too lazy to re-do all that work on Netflix. (Hint to Netflix: find a way to import my Blockbuster queue and you might have a deal.)
Of course, in the long run, this announcement may not push us over the purchasing edge at all; the Xbox announcement in July hasn’t because of the Xbox Gold requirement (seriously? I have to pay to watch content I already paid for once? Lame.) But, if I own the player and there’s no fee to watch the movies I’ve already paid Netflix to see, that’s a pretty tempting deal.
Wonder if these will be out by the time tax season rolls around…