There’s going to be so much wailing and gnashing of teeth, you’d think the Democrats were the ones that would set up a Theocracy. JasonUCF on Slashdot summed up wonderfully why the Democrats lost. And why they will continue to lose until they change drastically.
I can’t find the right word. Annoyed? Depressed? Flustered? None of them carry the meaning for me.
This was not Bush’s election to win. This was Kerry’s election to lose. And man, did he lose.
When will the democratic party realize that they need to get in the game, play it tough? America doesn’t want a smarty pants North Eastener with a fake politican smile a mile wide. America obviously responds to the aw shucks grin, the not too einstein but firmly resolved mindset.
When will we realize that whining about problems won’t work when the majority of the population doesn’t want to think about problems? They want a bed time story, and someone to turn the light on and off for them.
When will the democrats grow a fucking backbone and nominate a real candidate? I swear this makes me think of the axiom that, at heart, democrats are goths. They love losing, and lamenting about losing.
Kerry’s campaign was self destructing a week before it won Iowa. I don’t think they ever got a campaign together that worked. There was no clear delivery, no clear ideology, NO RESPONSE to the clear Republican attacks. When Kerry won the primary I was flabbergasted. I figured we probably wouldn’t win then, but I held out hope, I stood on street corners, I called people, I campaigned.
A 4 million popular vote for an administration that admits no wrong, that has no coherent diplomatic policy, that has no coherent domestic policy. Why? Because 9/11 changed everything? Because we needed to “kick some ass abroad”? These are the responses I get from Bush voters. They don’t even know what the Clear Skies act is. They’re not familiar with North Korea. We have to find a way to dumb ourselves down into simple ideology. Easy digestible soundbites. It sounds ridiculous but I see no other way — 1992 was “The Economy, Stupid”, nothing else has worked. People don’t want to think about problems, they want to eat McD’s and watch Joey.
I’m so… frustrated.
I take issue with a LOT of what Dan Gilmore says today, but he’s got one good point I’ll agree with; maybe it’s actually time for a new party. And Nadar doesn’t count.