Ann Arbor Idiocy – Now They're Banning Grills

We got a nice notice today that we have to get rid of our gas grill within two weeks. Why? Because of something called the International Fire Code of 2003 (sounds very official, doesn’t it?). The book, if you’re looking for it, is available from Amazon for $63.00, or it’s ISBN: 1892395606. Note, this is not a local ordinance, but a book of codes published by the International Code Council, a group which requires paid membership and, as far as I can tell, has no authority to enforce any of their codes.

Of course, in Ann Arbor, things like this are done in the summer, so as not to invoke the wrath of students. See, students tend to show up at council meetings, planning commissions, and the like to protest idiotic changes like this.

Other states have tried to enact this same code and have decided, after the public got a chance to offer their opinion, not to enforce the code. See Nebraska, Ohio, Alabama and Washington.

So, get on the phones, write a letter, do whatever. Tell the city to stay off your porch. Again.

UPDATE: Thanks very much to Arbor Update for the mention and link. Hopefully someone wiser than I can help all of us non-house owners out.

I should mention that this isn’t just for renters. If you own a condo, but have more than one unit per building (like the nice units going up on Eisenhower), you’re affected as well. The ban isn’t on the grills, but on the propane tanks. Anything over 2.5 pounds cannot be stored or used within 10 feet of “combustable construction”. I know someone will be splitting that hair if we ever get a chance to comment, but the effect is the same.

According to the Ann Arobr Fire Department, this code has been in effect since April 1st. I wonder why property managers weren’t notified until very recently about this?

AAFD – (734) 994-2772

AA Housing Inspector – – (734) 994-2678

Mayor John Hieftje – – (734) 994-2766 (guess who’s up for re-election this year, too?)

Contact your City Council member