At some point, I believe I heard or read that the human mind has a certain capacity for retaining information, sort of like a hard drive. At some point, you have kick out data in order to accommodate new data.
Which makes reading articles like this so damn infuriating. BBC NEWS | UK | Cows also ‘have regional accents’
First, let me get this out of the way: Who effin’ cares? How, in any way, shape, or form, does this improve the life of anyone? A university in the UK paid someone to research this. The stunning conclusion was expressed by a local farmer:
I spend a lot of time with my ones and they definitely moo with a Somerset drawl
Lloyd Green
Wow. Assuming it’s true (and, let’s just say it is), this idea wasn’t valid until some professor pronounced it so. Only then does it get a BBC story.
Second, I read this due to the car-accident effect; the article simply couldn’t be about actual cows with actual accents. But, oh yes, it was. And now some fact which will be important to me in the future has been kicked out of my head to make room for the fact that cows have accents.
And now you have experienced the same joy as I have.