digg – FIFA to investigate Zidane incident; Could disqualify Italy

Well, that’s an interesting turn. Comments are running pretty heavily that FIFA will not, in fact, take away the Cup. I’m pretty sure a war would break out if they did. However, it is interesting that an amendment to the rules was made that allows FIFA to take away 6 points (essentially causing the team to forfeit the match) if a player users a racial, religious, or ethnic slur. Considering Zidane is an Algerian Muslim, his forthcoming comments could be very interesting. Sepp Blatter, head of FIFA, apparently found his dignity and said they are also considering taking away Zidane’s best player award.


Update: Zidane has said at a press conference that the comment was “very personal”, but would not elaborate. Materazzi immediately again denied saying anything about terrosists, Zidane’s mother, or any racial comments. I think Materazzi is lying; he even went so far as to issue this gem of a quote: “Zidane is my hero and I have always admired him a lot.” So, now Zidane is his hero?

To his credit, Zidane did apologize to the children who watched, but not to Materazzi, saying: “I can’t regret what I did because it would mean that he (Materazzi) was right to say what he said.” Zidane also implied that his attack wasn’t in response to just one insult, but many, although he did not single out Materazzi.

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