You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

First Day

Well, it’s official; I’m a Wolverine. I think we’re actually required to say that as new employees of the University of Michigan. I’ll read through the hundred or so dead trees I was handed today during orientation.

Nothing too spectacular today; your basic sign-here, date-here, smile, sign-here kind of day. And then I got to lunch when I got to my office. You know that standard easy day you get when you start a new job? Find the bathroom, find the coffee, decorate your cube? Yeah, not me. I’m in it head-first. Thank God I have a vacation over Christmas.

I’m working on the MPRIME project. A very cool and worthwhile project; should be a challenge and a blast. Can’t be any worse than what I tossed at my last employer.

Anyway, light posting for a while until I get to a) breathe and b) figure out what I can and can’t do at the U.

Go Blue (sorry Dad; I’m not required to cheer for the football team so, take heart!)