Five People I Couldn't Care Less About

5. Neil Young. Not for his latest album (which actually sounded good until he started singing), but because he’s Neil Bloody Young. Seriously, could anyone be more overrated? (save the flames; you’re not going to change my mind.)

4. Uber-Web-Design Guy. You know what, this site doesn’t validate. Neither does the web app I work on. And guess what; they both function just the same. Take your XHTML, CSS, and W3C standards and shove it.

3. Jason Calacanis – Sold out to AOL and wonders why people laugh at him now. If I never have to hear that voice on a podcast again, it’ll be too soon. And, yes, you cloned Digg; just confess and drift away.

2. Second Life players. Please, stop. What exactly do you do?

1. Steve Wozniak. Yes, you were famous. Yes, you’re very, very rich. Yes, you are doing great work in funding commercial space programs. But I’m so unbelievably sick of hearing about every time you get a new laser, ride a Segway, or comment on a company you no longer work for. Aren’t you overdue to build a plane that won’t fly?

3 responses to “Five People I Couldn't Care Less About”

  1.  Avatar

    Maybe you should do a 5 People I *Do* Care about post…

  2.  Avatar

    And no, I don't mean me 🙂

  3.  Avatar

    Cop out.But, I don't like people.. I'm lucky to hold a job down with my bad attitude.