Jeff Zucker is an Idiot

“Just because someone who mocks authority says something doesn’t make it so,” Zucker said, describing the comedian’s comments as “completely out of line.”

Listen, I get it, you want to defend your network. But don’t go after Stewart. It’s not that he can’t take it or is above criticism, but this is not the fight you want to pick.

Face it: CNBC completely missed the point about what business news is supposed to be about. You don’t pump stocks, you analyze the market. Jim Cramer is not to blame. You are to blame, Mr. Zucker. You’re the one who shaped the strategic vision of a network who can’t spell “journalism”, much less execute it.

I look forward to watching you and your network continue to be lambasted and embarrassed on Comedy Central, because you just hung a huge target out there for Stewart and Co. to take shots at.

Jeff Zucker – Yahoo! TV.