You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Mike Brown is a fucking idiot

Sorry for the title, it doesn’t happen often.

Mike Brown was in front of Congress today to answer for the disaster he oversaw after Katrina. I understand he doesn’t want to fall on his sword for something he feels isn’t his fault, but the level to which he stoops trying to blame anyone but himself is deep. Deep. A sample:

Ironically, it started with an organization called, that on some blog published a false, and, frankly, in my opinion, defamatory statement that the media just continued to repeat over and over. Next, one national magazine not only defamed me, but my alma mater, the Oklahoma City University School of Law, in one sentence alone leveling six false charges. [source]

He then blamed the governor of Louisiana, the mayor of New Orleans, and then shook his fist at “those meddling kids”.

Mr. Brown, you’re an idiot. Even if every word you say is true, you have been offered up as a sacrifice for all the wrongs of the Fed after this disaster. The fact that nothing you say is likely to be true, it seems you earned the distinction. Get ready for a Fisking of epic proportions, Mr. Brown.

Check out more of Brown’s lies here.