You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

My First Digital Movie

With the release of The Dark Knight and my complete nerdiness over the movie, I purchased the 2-Disc edition when it was released yesterday. To my surprise, it included a free digital copy (ala iTunes) along with the DVD version. This is my first digital movie as, frankly, I didn’t see the point in buying digital-only movies. I hate watching movies on my computer, I don’t have a personal laptop that can play them, and I can’t watch them on my television (at least not if I buy from Apple). Yes, I lose geek points for not having that ability, but I’m not going to buy a movie through Microsoft that I can’t play on any other device, or substitute iTunes for Microsoft and have the same problem. (DRM is stupid.)

But, with The Dark Knight, I plopped in the disc, iTunes saw it and prompted me for the included code and, a couple minutes later, I happily have 1.7 GB of movie to transfer to my iTunes compatible devices. I wouldn’t have purchased the digital-only version, but it’s a cool incentive to get a up-sale version of a DVD I was going to buy anyway. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for stuff like this in the future.