I’m committing the ultimate blogger faux pas, but I’m piling on and saying ditto to an entire post.
If I was the President of the country I would be on the ground in the command center with my entire team and NO ONE would sleep for the next three days or until things were under control. NO ONE. [Link]
Jason Calacanis is a smart guy and, like him, I tend to be conservative in my voting and political views, but the situation in the Gulf is unconscionable. Bush didn’t visibly do anything for almost two days, and he has yet to be on the ground there. Flying over the Superdome in your jet is NOT helping. Marine One should be lifting people off roofs. Marines should be sweeping through New Orleans shooting looters. Every available unit should be setting up shelters and delivering water. We have a military that can deploy anywhere in the world in less than 48 hours; what’s the problem with getting to Louisiana?
This whole thing makes me sick. We have an agency who’s SOLE PURPOSE is to manage emergencies (it’s in their damn name) and they are proving to be incompetent.
Never mind the idiotic stance on what was referred to as one of the top 3 likely disasters that could hit the US (Salon link; trust me, sit through the ads), but the reaction by governments (local, state, and federal) defies explanation.