You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Social Networking VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a network technology that let’s you use public Internet resources to securely use private network resources (such as you work network from an open WiFi access point).

When do we get something like this for social networking. Not my Top 8, not a bit-flip of friend or not a friend, but a set group of my choosing who can see a specific slice of my social network? With the Facebook API in the open, is it long before something like this turns up?

If you had something like that, what would you do with it? Customer channels? Secure communications with certain friends or family (Twitter VPN)? Would it get sued out of existence over fears of file sharing? Would anyone use it?