It’s official… Comedy Central, who was brave enough to air an episode where Jesus craps on Bush, would not allow Matt and Trey to air a cartoon image of Mohammed. Congrats, Comedy Central, you have validated every, single right-wing nutjob who can now rightfully point out that it’s ok to engage in any kind of heresy against Christianity, but you can’t even show a stylized version of an Islamic prophet. Well done.
Speaking of right-wing nutjobs, Michelle Malkin has a ton of links and video of the offending episode. (Yes, I’m linking to Michelle Malkin). And before someone flames on about the “conservatives”, I will gladly link to any “liberal” blog, site, fileserver, what-have-you that points out this hypocrisy with the venom it deserves. (scans Daily Kos.) Thought so.
Frankly, this shouldn’t be a religious argument. Comedy Central caved to pressure (real or imagined) over consequences of airing the images. Come on, even the Danes had the canjones to publish those cartoons; grow a set, Comedy Central.
More at Volokh and Instapundit.