You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Torrent Links, Get Your Torrent Links

I really don’t do a lot with BitTorrent. I know it’s the new, big way to get downloads (musics, movies, etc.) but I just don’t have that big of an appetite for that kind of thing. Well, music maybe, but finding a)trustworthy links that are b) free can be a challenge, and who has that kind of time, right?

Enter legal torrent tracker sites. Thanks to Slashot, I now have a bigger list of sites to get legal downloads (well, legal in the eyes of arcane business models).

And, the already mentioned LegalTorrents

Go forth and download! Oh, but not yet; since all these sites are on the front page of Slashdot, they’re pretty much screwed for the day.