Unbelievable. Jason Allen, a Zeeland native (working as a counselor at a Christian youth camp; surprise), was found shot in the head next to his fiance (or girlfriend, the papers are still working that one out) on a beach, apparently in their sleep. No motive, no leads, just two dead people laying on the beach killed in their sleep.
“This is a very disturbing case. It appears to be a terrible crime and absent of any motive. It’s a cause of great concern to us. The victims, from all indications, from all sources that we have, were very up-standing citizens, very honorable people who had an absolute absence of enemies,” says Lt. Dave Edmonds of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department.
I hope there’s nothing else going on here; and I hope whoever did this fries. I don’t know the family, but this kid is my brother’s age…
Article published before their bodies were discovered, with family information (Link)
UPDATE: The Fark discussion on this turned up an interesting missive. User RosevilleDan mentioned the Zodiac Killer (Google search), a 60’s-era serial killer that is apparently still on the loose. He linked to a page describing similar killings linked to the Zodiac Killer. Interesting theory, especially since dormant serial killers coming out of hiding usually have reasons for doing so, and reasons can lead to clues. Why has the killer (if it is The killer) been dormant? Why come back now? Of course, it could be someone completely different, but it makes one stroke their chin just the same.