You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams


So, we went to Ikea. It is, as they say, quite the place. I’m not saying that I want to redo my entire house in Ikea-provided furniture or anything. But, I did find myself saying far too many times, “that would look good in $ROOM”. In fact, I was so taken with some of their furniture, I bought a desk. This one, in fact, with the T-legs. I haven’t been so happy with a desk in years, and that’s saying something. My taste in desks is so picky, I’ve burned through no less than 5 desks in the last 6 years.

I will say this about the store: it is designed with impulse buying of medium to high-range items in mind. The physical building is configured in such as way that you can’t easily move backward. The influence of movement is forward only, forcing you to work very hard to a) not pick something up (because you know you have to work hard to go back) and b) once you have picked something up, it very difficult to put it back (and there’s no where to just ‘drop it’, as J– is so fond of doing.

On the flip side, the store is actually very pleasant to walk through, sans the million and a half people. We spent, I’m embarrassed to say, almost 4 hours in the store, which I’m pretty sure is a land-based record for me. If they sold beer, we would be bankrupt.

So, it’s worth checking out, but give it a couple more weeks for the bum rush of people to die down. Oh, and check the status of Ford Rd. if you go; if it’s closed (as it was today), you’ll have a hellofa time getting there. Once you’re there, however, prepare to kiss your better judgment goodbye as you plunge into the depravity of oddly named Swedish-esque home decor. And the $0.99 breakfast is actually very good. Add coffee and an orange juice (for two) and it’s still less than $5.

Worth the trip? Yes. Worth the money? Surprisingly, yes. Worth the crowds. Not so much. Verdict; go early and during the week if you have to go now. Otherwise, wait three weeks. Bring lots of money; even if you don’t think you’ll need it, you will.

Edit: Fixed late-night typos

One response to “Ikea”

  1.  Avatar

    We liked it so much, we'll be back after the next paycheck to pick up those things we didn't get the first trip around!!! Well, only if I can convince Ryan we *really* need new bookshelves 🙂