Get a “taste” of The Culinary Institute of America’s professional wine courses by taking this exciting course online—for free. We’ll give you a sample of our in-depth, on-site courses by taking you on a virtual journey through three of the world’s top grape varieties. You’ll learn about where they grow, how they’re made into wine, how the wines they’re made into taste, what foods they work with best, and why they’re hot in the marketplace. We’ll suggest a few simple but great tastings you can do at home, and share some delicious wine-matched recipes from our CIA chefs. Along the way, you’ll meet some of our expert wine instructors and get a look at the full program of professional wine courses we offer. In this short course you will:
- Learn about three of the world’s most exciting grape varieties from the diverse perspectives of CIA wine instructors, growers, winemakers, chefs, and wine marketing specialists.
- Discover the principles involved in matching wine.
- Participate in exciting guided tastings that you can conduct at home.
- Receive a sampling of delicious wine-matched recipes from CIA chefs.
- Learn about the CIA’s full program of professional wine courses.