If I ever meet the author of AAiOR, I so need to buy him/her a beer/wine/stiff drink, mainly for making me laugh my ass off at the absurdity of this town. The term “overrated” barely scratches the surface of this pompous, over-marketed, elitist town. Too bad they have one of the best employers around (despite what GEO thinks).
Take today’s post today over at AAiOR:
So if you’re keeping track, the DDA’s plan for a parking lot at First and William is marginally less bad than a putting a landfill or a war zone there, and about the same as an oil drilling operation. No word on how it would compare to a nuclear waste dump or a bioweapons facility.
See other posts at AAiOR about the Greenway/DDA dispute
ann arbor is overrated: a weblog: More Overheated Greenway Rhetoric
3 responses to “Ann Arbor Greenway – As Bad as Arctic National Wildlife refuge Drilling”
thanks! And belated props for your Ani DiFranco Frieze entry, which was hilarious.
Thanks a lot… I love your site and appreciate the community you have going over there at AAiOR. I attempt to inject myself, but you have way too many passionate and involved people; it's more fun to watch than participate.I'm serious about that beer/wine/drink of choice thing, too.
We could always use more participants. I think it's more fun to watch too, though.Just send me e-mail if you want to get a drink sometime.