You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Ann Arbor Greenway – As Bad as Arctic National Wildlife refuge Drilling

If I ever meet the author of AAiOR, I so need to buy him/her a beer/wine/stiff drink, mainly for making me laugh my ass off at the absurdity of this town. The term “overrated” barely scratches the surface of this pompous, over-marketed, elitist town. Too bad they have one of the best employers around (despite what GEO thinks).

Take today’s post today over at AAiOR:

So if you’re keeping track, the DDA’s plan for a parking lot at First and William is marginally less bad than a putting a landfill or a war zone there, and about the same as an oil drilling operation. No word on how it would compare to a nuclear waste dump or a bioweapons facility.

See other posts at AAiOR about the Greenway/DDA dispute

ann arbor is overrated: a weblog: More Overheated Greenway Rhetoric

3 responses to “Ann Arbor Greenway – As Bad as Arctic National Wildlife refuge Drilling”

  1.  Avatar

    thanks! And belated props for your Ani DiFranco Frieze entry, which was hilarious.

  2.  Avatar

    Thanks a lot… I love your site and appreciate the community you have going over there at AAiOR. I attempt to inject myself, but you have way too many passionate and involved people; it's more fun to watch than participate.I'm serious about that beer/wine/drink of choice thing, too.

  3.  Avatar

    We could always use more participants. I think it's more fun to watch too, though.Just send me e-mail if you want to get a drink sometime.