You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Lesser-Known Advantages of Having Eyeglasses

Everyone knows that have a pair of corrective lenses is the front-line way to enable you to see clearly. Near or far sighted, a pair of frames holding a glass or plastic set of lenses in front of your broken, carrot-deprived eyes lets you see important family events, cringe social media posts, and disgusting and questionable spots on your body. In some cultures, they’re even an indicator if intelligence or maturity, and a finely-chosen pair of glasses can transform someone’s appearance in unique ways.

But what those lesser-known advantages? Here’s a quick list:

  • Need to know where a light source is? Keep moving your head until the pin prick of a reflection drives deep into your retina
  • You will know which of your shirts is good for cleaning glasses without a solvent and which shirts merely take a smudge the size of a grain of sand and mush it into a Pollock painting
  • Lens cleaning products are classified into Works and Snake Oil after burning through a couple dozen classes of products, ranging from “Bought at Great Expense from the Eye Doctor” to “As Seen On TV”. The only thing in Works is dish soap
  • If you sneeze just right, you can forcefully apply the remnants of a mouthful of food to the inside of your lenses
    • This will usually occur when you have no lens wipes or a Good Glasses Cleaning Shirt
  • In cold temperatures, you can instantly gauge the humidity of a room upon entering from outside by the degree of moisture on your glasses. Frost indicates you have made it indoors just in time to survive
  • If you’re fortunate enough to have progressive lenses, you get to experience a roller coaster ride anytime you like (and sometimes when you don’t) just by looking .5 mm in the a different direction