The news hit recently that the next version of Windows, Vista, will come in 7 different “flavors”, or SKUs. I’m making the prediction right now that this is a completely false story cooked up to divert attention from the disaster that Vista has become. After dropping pretty much every decent feature from Vista, Microsoft had another Windows Me release on their hands; a dressed-up version of the previous version.
Why do I say that? First, Microsoft may be dumb, but this would colossally dumb. People can’t figure out the fact that Win XP has two versions; it’s inconceivable that the general public could begin to fathom what they need to ask for when there are 7 versions.
Second, this is way to complicated for even Microsoft to support. Windows as an OS is very, very difficult to support from Microsoft’s standpoint because of their insistence at maintaining backward compatibility. Introducing limited releases of an OS (which is what 6 versions of Vista would essentially be) is a logistical nightmare for Microsoft. Now, instead of maintaining security on one stripped-down version (XP Home), they have to protect 6 versions from hacking, cracking, and security risks.
If Vista comes in more than 3 versions, one of which will be Windows Vista Home Theatre Crashing Edition, I’ll buy a Mac. I’ll have to.
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