You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Party in GR – 20 April

Get your petty cash out and butter up the significant others because we’re going out on the town. The semi-annual TPC Board Advisory/excuse to drink with Dr. Sandy is on this week Friday. You don’t have to be a board member to attend (although you will have to drink with board members) to come out. We’re starting at Sazarac Lounge and maybe a trip to Cambridge House; who knows.

So polish off your weekly cartoons, write that movie review, by the kids a DVD. Just get your butt out to Sazarac at 6:30 this Friday. No photos will be taken. Well, maybe one if we get John to do that thing.

One response to “Party in GR – 20 April”

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    Yeah, and this is how behind I am with everything that it's taken me this long to comment. Sorry I missed it. Last weekend was a cavalcade of school plays, orchestra events, soccer, soccer, and more soccer. Not that I'm complaining because, other than a nasty sunburn on the back of my neck, it was a blast. Dr. Sandy has my name for the next time!