Pope vs Potter

This is a little dated, but Pope Benedict isn’t a fan of Harry Potter. Go figure, eh?

“It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly,” wrote Cardinal Ratzinger.

I’m sure sales will tank on the news.



One response to “Pope vs Potter”

  1. Nice blog. Keep it up …Well, I think this particular one has a profound impact on our society.The Pope says “Harry Potter corrupts the young, distorting their understanding of the battle between good and evil”. In a way, he is saying “Harry is Evil, Potter is Satan!”Well, we know orthodox Christians also despise Uncle Santa Claus and all those at DisneyWorld, do you fancy a world without Cinderella, Snow White and Mr. Mickey Mouse?La Bonahttp://divinetalk.blogspot.com/

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