I try not to be vulgar on this thing, on the off chance that someone reading it thinks me a witless wonder. (They can easily make that conclusion without four-letter words.) So, I will mention that later in this post I will be using some profanity, but all in the course of making a point. And, as Billie Connelly said, if you don’t like, you can fuck off.
There is a growing attitude in the press, on the blogs, in the air that this country is suddenly some kind of theocracy. I read this post by David Galbraith and almost lost it. In making his point, he not only invokes Godwin’s law, he sounds like a fool. But the issue really is that he’s only a small voice in a larger choir of idiots who are so hung up on the President’s personnel politics, that they are falling for the whole sinker as well as the hook.
Here’s a memo to all the people who are obsessive about the coming Theocracy: there isn’t one. There never will be one. You want to know why? Because of people like me and the thousands of kids who grew up just like me, oppressed, suppressed and pissed. I grew up in the heart of religious hypocrisy, West Michigan. You couldn’t mow your lawn on Sunday until I was in high school for Chrissake. When Meijer’s opened on Sundays, people boycotted the place. My parents had to leave a church because they sent me to public school. Yeah, I know what it’s like.
And all the lather-mouthed, finger-quivering, know-more-than-yous have it all wrong. The community I grew up in doesn’t want a theocracy. In fact they’d storm Congress if they tried to install one, not out of principal, but for the simple fact that if any religion got chosen, it would be the wrong religion.
The President and his cronies have you in a strangle hold. You’re so damn preoccupied with fighting back some figment of your own imagination, their getting away with far worse. They don’t want all the stuff they keep throwing out there, they want you to self-destruct. They want you to tear yourselves apart by thrashing around in disgust. They want you to compare the current administration to the Third Reich because the imagery of that analogy is so powerful, you can’t see that it’s FUCKING WRONG. If you seriously consider for a single brief moment that this administration in this country is even remotely capable (logistically or otherwise) of implementing a holocaust-style regime… wow, that’s some fabulously fucked up thinking.
Here’s my favorite quote from David Galbraith: (aside: I will stop quoting David as I don’t mean to pick on him, he just parrots so much of this rhetoric, and he’s high on alphabetical list of feeds.)
To deny the fact of evolution and deprive people an education because of a particular belief not shared by everybody, is equivalent to the shameful historical revisionism by anti-Semites who wish to rewrite history because of their own ideological agenda.
That’s right, kiddies. Holding different beliefs about the origin of life is equivalent to murdering over 6 million people. I’ll simplify that. Belief = murder.
One last thing before I hit Mark All Read and remind myself that I keep that feed to keep my perspective. For all the browbeating about how much the Religious Right (whatever that means) forces on people, I have never in my life had so many cultural mores shoved at me than when I moved to a “progressive” town. Makes me pine for the idiocy of the religious in this state. At least they go away when you tell them to fuck off.
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