You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Situations Under Which You Automatically Lose

  • 180 pound man, 3 ton truck.
  • You begin a sentence with “In Azeroth/$MAJOR_CITY/Europe…”
  • You end a sentence with “…, trust me.”
  • Invoking religion as an argument for or against anything.
  • …or abortion…
  • …or hunting…
  • …or pie. (Don’t ask)
  • Using “Don’t ask” as an out for a meaningless joke.
  • Any web-like term comes up in casual conversation and you get a silly grin on your face.
    • “I heard IE7 supports something called Are-Ess-Ess??” *stupid grin*
  • Pointing out the disproportionate treatment of a sibling in order to gain a favorable outcome with a parent.
    • e.g. “You never did that for $SIBLING!” “Well, I’m doing it for you!”

Feel free to pile on.

One response to “Situations Under Which You Automatically Lose”

  1.  Avatar

    …..just kidding. After delivering unwanted critical news.