You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Category: Blog

  • What is that noisy IoT device on my network?

    That’s the first question that popped up when I installed AdGuard Home on my Raspberry Pi last night. Within minutes, hundreds of queries went out for these two domains: What is, you ask. It is Xiaomi’s US website. I don’t (or thought I didn’t) have an Xiaomi device on my network because, wel, I’d…

  • Twitter has pushed me too far

    Inspired by Matt Haughey’s stand against Twitter, I re-logged into Mastodon on all my devices and shelved my Twitter access. I haven’t gone to quite the extreme that Matt did by nuking my Twitter presence, but I’m consciously choosing to not engage there for the time being. I’ve felt some of the same things Matt…

  • RIP Tom Petty

    Tom Petty died today, aged 66. I won’t claim to be a huge Tom Petty fan, but I’ve bought an album or two and sang along in the car to one of those songs everyone knows. I’ll  stream a lot of his catalog today to remember the songs I’ve heard once or hundreds of times….

  • Google Inbox: A classic Google product

    My work domain (an EDU) recently had Google Inbox enabled so I had a good chance to try it out. My personal email is relatively quiet and, I believe, doesn’t provide a good Inbox experience. Work is more active and requires actual management, something I’ve tossed many a tool at over the years. As part…

  • Evernote

    Evernote, for better or worse, is the best note-taking service for my needs. It works across all my devices/computers/modes. It’s fairly easy to get stuff into it. Hell, they even have 2-Factor authentication. The Windows app is a little clunky and my girlfriend and I have never been able to get shared notes to work…

  • The Google Trap

    In light of yesterday’s abysmal experience with Google Photos, I’ve been examining how much of my digital life is tied to Google. It’s a sobering list: Mail Calendar File storage (mostly taken care of) Blog Chrome Search history URL history Profiles Bookmarks Remote Desktop Identity management on dozens of sites Contacts Chat Map location information…

  • Goodbye Google Photos

    Note: See the end of this post for an update Posted on 10 Aug Google recently split Photos off of the lumbering, zombied body of Google+ into a pretty slick Service. The iOS app worked great, uploading everything, storage was easy to stay under caps, the algorithms creating some interesting Stories. I was a happy…

  • Art Fair Bingo

    Today starts the Ann Arbor Art Fair (technically a collection of 4 art fairs that intersect at various streets and NO ONE but the individual fair staff care AT ALL about that technicality). Also, because Art Fair is essentially a people-watching event for locals, the inevitable scorecard emerged. I haven’t seen a new one in…

  • Sold

    It happened. We sold the house, we closed, we moved. Hard to believe it’s been almost a month since we left Chelsea. I don’t miss the house at all. I’m sure someday I’ll have fond memories, but it’s a burden gone for the time being and I’m glad to have it behind me. That said,…

  • The Other Side of YKWP

    Ok, this page is something other. It’s not the blog, it’s also not my professional work. No one wants to read training materials, business plans, or requirements documents anyway (although, they’re pretty good). This is where I drop stuff—stories, pictures, illustrations… whatever I feel like sharing. Everything will be Creative Commons licensed in one form…