You Know What Part

"Let us think the unthinkable, Let us do the undoable, Let us prepare to grapple with ineffable itself, And see if we may not eff it after all." Douglas Adams

Random news and links

Bits and pieces in no particular order:

  • I joined the Chelsea Wellness Center; I need to lose weight, J– gets a discount through the hospital, and it’s easy to use.
  • I love wikis but don’t get to use them enough. U of M IT has begun offering installation of MediaWiki for use around campus. My project team is now converting our development docs over to the wiki. I’m taking meeting notes. It’s a good thing.
  • Bats sucks (the flying ones, not the wooden ones). Rabid bats suck even more, especially when you have to get the shots.
  • J– and I are getting the shots.
  • Lawn mowers are ridiculously expensive for what they do. Seriously, it takes balls to say you should pay $300 for a machine to cut grass for a 20×16 patch of earth?
  • I miss Douglas Adams. I’m re-reading Salmon of Doubt, a collection of his works culled posthumously from his computers and the sad thought hit me that there are no more books of his to look forward to.
  • Heroes is awesome. Almost as good as Battlestar Galactica. We have the last two discs of Heroes in the house now so we can finish season 1 this weekend.
  • I have a new favorite word, courtesy of William Tozer via Alan Gutierrez; Coshirking: “A coffee break lasting more than one hour where local industry gossip is exchanged over open laptops.”
  • IT Crowd, Season 2 is showing up on the bittorrent sites. Definitely worth the download.

One response to “Random news and links”

  1.  Avatar

    Heroes is a sweet show. I can't wait for the start of the second season. I have watched all the shows at least twice. I am also waiting for bionic women. That looks just as good. Watched the tidbit online to what it was about. Enjoy the shots!!!!