Bits and pieces in no particular order:
- I joined the Chelsea Wellness Center; I need to lose weight, J– gets a discount through the hospital, and it’s easy to use.
- I love wikis but don’t get to use them enough. U of M IT has begun offering installation of MediaWiki for use around campus. My project team is now converting our development docs over to the wiki. I’m taking meeting notes. It’s a good thing.
- Bats sucks (the flying ones, not the wooden ones). Rabid bats suck even more, especially when you have to get the shots.
- J– and I are getting the shots.
- Lawn mowers are ridiculously expensive for what they do. Seriously, it takes balls to say you should pay $300 for a machine to cut grass for a 20×16 patch of earth?
- I miss Douglas Adams. I’m re-reading Salmon of Doubt, a collection of his works culled posthumously from his computers and the sad thought hit me that there are no more books of his to look forward to.
- Heroes is awesome. Almost as good as Battlestar Galactica. We have the last two discs of Heroes in the house now so we can finish season 1 this weekend.
- I have a new favorite word, courtesy of William Tozer via Alan Gutierrez; Coshirking: “A coffee break lasting more than one hour where local industry gossip is exchanged over open laptops.”
- IT Crowd, Season 2 is showing up on the bittorrent sites. Definitely worth the download.
One response to “Random news and links”
Heroes is a sweet show. I can't wait for the start of the second season. I have watched all the shows at least twice. I am also waiting for bionic women. That looks just as good. Watched the tidbit online to what it was about. Enjoy the shots!!!!