Tag: Links
links for 2011-07-06
Silhouette Vinyl (tags: vinyl silhouette)
links for 2011-06-30
Acrobat’s Adobe PDF Printer Replaced in Snow Leopard | InDesignSecrets Apple, in their infinite wisdom, removed many features required for imposition printing from InDesign in Snow Leopard. This thread has some solutions. (tags: indesign imposition printing) Create Booklet 1.1 support Snow Leopard (tags: imposition bookmaking printing indesign booklets)
links for 2011-06-29
YouTube – TEDxObserver – Cory Doctorow (tags: facebook skinnerbox doctorow)
links for 2011-06-24
Language Log: The Dan Brown code (tags: awful books fiction blarg)
links for 2011-06-23
NYU Google Migration (tags: google email calendar work)
links for 2011-06-12
Map Projection: Gall Very cool Java app for showing the various map projections. (tags: maps, globe, java, projections,)
links for 2011-06-05
Project Euler (tags: mathematics programming)
links for 2011-05-25
User Interface Design Libraries for Keynote, PowerPoint and OpenOffice – Keynotopia (tags: mobile templates keynote powerpoint)
links for 2011-05-17
Embedded Media HTML Generator (tags: video webdesign tools)
links for 2011-05-15
StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide – Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment (tags: food storage fish meat reference)